This is about : [How to] Change SKU. Switch from WWE to CHT, TW, ecc.. and vice versa.
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[How to] Change SKU. Switch from WWE to CHT, TW, ecc.. and vice versa.
Sorry for my English, if I wrote something incorrectly, correct me! :)
Make sure you have installed the Asus's driver. If you have no idea or do not know how, ask.
I used ADB Android SDK (http://developer.and...x.html#download , it is located in sdk\platform-tools), make sure ADB recognizes the PF2 before.
The command you type in the terminal:
adb devices
I have run ADB from Windows, but if you use Ubuntu (or Linux in general) basically the syntax is the same.
If you have never sent a file via ADB in recovery, give it a try with any file before proceeding with the guide, so you know what you're doing when you get to step 4 and, above all, if you fail you will not formatted PF2 in vain.
The command you type in the terminal:
adb push filename.extension /data/media
"adb" is the name of the exe file in the folder where you execute it, you can also write adb.exe is the same;
"push" is the command that sends the file;
"filename.extension" is the file you want to send (example The file to be sent must be in the same folder as adb.
"/data/media" is the destination path where the file will be copied. In our case that is the internal memory of the PF2.
Obviously before starting any command you have to move to the folder containing the file adb.exe (sdk\platform-tools if you have downloaded the Google ADT)
The PF2 must have the original recovery.
I personally changed SKU from WWE to CHT and vice versa before writing this simple guide.
My PF2 had the bootloader unlocked when I made the change, it should work with the bootloader locked, but my advice is to unlock it before you play because if something goes wrong, there is a chance to do something through fastboot for revive him.
Here we go:
1. Copy to the phone's internal memory the firmware you want to install, then reboot into recovery.
2. Select "apply update from external storage" and choose the zip file to flash.
At this point the recovery changes the partition table and then restarts.
On reboot we will have a nice "Installation aborted", this because, being changed the partition table, the recovery can not find the file to flash as it the partition containing the data has been reformed losing its contents. So you will need to copy the file again via adb.
3. Select "wipe data / factory reset"
You need to do a wipe, because it formats the partition where we will send the file. Having just changed, the partition has not a file system and so it must be formatted to save something on it.
4. Send via adb the firmware:
adb push /data/media
5. Wait until the firmware is sent to PF2. ADB has spent 148 seconds to send the WWE (~ 713 Mb) and 172 seconds to send the CHT (~ 813 Mb).
You will not see any progress bar, so do not panic and just wait for the terminal will show the message sending done.
6. Select "apply update from external storage" and choose the zip file to flash.
The recovery will restart again, but this time the partition will not be changed so it will proceed with the upgrade.
Finished updating the PF2 restarts.
I suggest you do a wipe after the update in order to have a clean installation.
It 'important to note that when you make a change from one SKU (WWE, TW, CHT etc ...) to another one, it goes beyond the point 2 only if the recovery changes the partition table.
If you have any doubt, ask, I'll be happy to update some step in more detail.
I hope you enjoy it. :)
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