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Download MTK Multi Port Flash Download For Mediatek Phones
MTK Multi Port Flash is a free tool for flashing china phones. It is very popular among mobile users needed to flash dead phones. It will only work with Mediatek phones.
Download MTK Multi Port Flash Download For Mediatek Phones
Supported OS : Windows xp , vista, 7 , 8, 8.1 , 10 32 bit 64 bit ,x86, x64
Change log:
Version | Description |
V3.1444.00 | New feature: • MT8127 add BIWIN 27UCG8T2ETR nand; Bug Fixes: • Fix MT8395 can’t download issue • Fix MT6582 emergency download issue Enhance: • MT6572 Swap Byte 0 of MRR for LPDDR3 DRAM MDT UI: • MT6752/MT6732 must use with battery download for download stability in factory.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1440.00 | New feature: • Bug Fixes: • Enhance: • MDT UI: • Cause by MT6595 not supporting without battery download, MDT will force user to use withbattery download. Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1436.00 | New feature: • Add hynix mlc nand support for MT8127 • MT8127 combo MLC nand Bug Fixes: • Fix sandisk fwid issue Enhance: • Add power tuning for MT6595 which can enhance download stability of MT6595 MDT UI: • Compare full string of part name when finding part info and rom info Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1432.00 | New feature: • Support MT6595Bug Fixes:Enhance: • MT6592 low power tuning,only use one core when download • MT6595 Dram owner update latest EMI init codes MDT UI: • MT8127 combo MLC nand Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1428.00 | New feature: • Support MT8127 MLC nand • MT8127 support partition size over 4GB • MT6571 Toshiba&sandisk nand supportBug Fixes:Enhance:MDT UI: Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1424.00 | New feature: • Support MT8127 MLC nandBug Fixes: • Fix tz.img checksum error when using T8127 MLC nand to downloadEnhance:MDT UI: Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1420.00 | New feature: • Support POP LPDDR2 in MT8382 platformBug Fixes: • Fix sandis emmc dowload error in MT6572 platform • Fix checksum error when image size is in the boundaryEnhance:MDT UI: Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1416.00 | New feature: • Support MT8127 • Support MT8392Bug Fixes: • Fix checksum erro cause by boundary value of image size when doing SW security downloadEnhance: • enhance secro unlocked rework flowMDT UI: Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1408.00 | New feature:Enhance: • Auto load image file by APIs of flashtoollib.dll, please refer to the API:DL_AutoLoadRomImagesMDT UI: • Delete “data source file” moduleLimitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1352.00 | New feature: • Support MT6571Enhance: • MT6572 advance MCP mode • MT8135 x8 mode DDR3 • Hynix eMMC 4.5 resetLimitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1348.00 | New feature: • Add LPDDR3 support on MT6571Enhance: • Using DMA copy data on MT6592 • Fix crash issue on get mac addressLimitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1344.00 | New feature: 1. support MT6592Enhance: 1. MDT will do backup->download->restore again if backup any one of critical partitions fail last time.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1336.00 | Bug Fixed: 1. Fix da disconnect fail when scan brom and preloader comportNew feature: 1. Add PCDDR3 support on MT6572 2. Add SPI-Nand support on MT572Enhance: 1. Adjust nand check sum algorithm 2. User must select scatter file before Scanning comportLimitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1332.00 | Bug Fixed: 1. Fix da disconnect fail when scan brom and preloader comportEnhance: 1.MT6572 LPDDR1 dual rank support. 2.Apply 6589 cross rank patch(Fix Miron dram init fail issue).Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1328.00 | Bug Fixed:1. Add security check for 6572/6582 second DA. 2. Fix 6572 Titan memory test failed issue.Enhance: 1.Brom comport and preloader comport number can not be the same. 2. If bad block number of NAND is lager than BMT count,the download flow will be stopped by MDT.New feature: 1. Add emmc otp feature 2. Support MT6582 chip 3. Support configure PMIC HW Reset Key on MT6572/6582. 4. MT8135 Combo DRAM support. 5. 6572 dual rank support. Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1324.00 | Bug Fixed:1. MT8135 PMT address adjust from end of PL to BMT pool. 2. MT6589 ACSIP MCP support.(DDR3 MCP) 3. MT6582/MT8135 using SW WDT reset under sync mode. 4. MT6582 add HW Reset support. 5. MT6589 2GB Dual rank LPDDR2 support.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1320.00 | Bug Fixed:1.Add MT6582 platform Support. 2.Force enable dram even preloader has done on 6589 platform; 3.Protect_F/S Yaffs2 format backup/restore feature support; 4.6572 HW reset feature support.New feature: 1. Support MT6572 2. Add service center version MDT,which only support firmware upgrade feature.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1316.00 | Bug Fixed:1. EMMC Test in memory test page can’t be checked. 2. DA download all with checksum failed issue fixed. 3. Enabled DRAM failed on certain devices. 4. Incorrect SW version configuration result in download failed. 5. Tool exception when parser EMI setting. 6. RAM test failed issue fixed. 7. Modify verifying download comport mechanismLimitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1312.00 | New Features/Enhancement:1. Add to support combo dicrete DDR2. 2. Phase out “Format NVRAM only”.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
V3.1308.00 | New Features/Enhancement: 1. Add auto scan comport and auto detect download comport feature 2. Add customization usb pid&vid support.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
v3.1304.00 | New Features/Enhancement: 1. Add protected regions size check mechanism. => no matter the region size becomes to big or small, firmware upgrade will be forbidden. 2. Add checking backup folder mechanism for download/restore flow.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
v3.1252.10 | Bug Fixes: 1. Fix MDT Tool exception during 6589 downloadNew Feature: 2. Support download all images forcedly.Force_ALL_IMAGE_DL=yes in SPMultiPortFlashDownloadProject.ini |
v3.1252.00 | Bug Fixes: 1. Fix 6589 can’t download since RTC init flow trap; 2. Support MCP on MT6589 platform; 3. Split build and sign for DA customer kit. |
v3.1248.00 | Bug Fixes: New Features/Enhancement: 1. Support MT6589. 2. Support to backup PROTECT_F/PROTECT_S.Limitation: 1. Not support MT6516 since v3.1216.02. |
v3.1244.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Support backup and restore product info region.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1236.01 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. When the layout is not changed, do partial format.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1232.01 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Move switch to high speed to the place before Format all.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1228.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Add progress bar when verify PC memory checksum, MDT will popup a dialog after we click start button or startAll button. The tool will not verify PC memory checksum until you load scatter file next time.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1224.01 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Support 6577. 2. Support preloader download DA on NAND platform.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1220.00 | Bug fixes: 1. The tool can not save the preloader dowload DA option correctly. 2. Fix the memory leak bug.New features / Enhancement: 1. Support external images by config file.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1216.02 | Bug fixes: 1. Cannot load MBR,EBR1 images. 2. The device will be downloaded again and again when the auto polling is checked.New features / Enhancement: 1. Enhance MDT Logger. The tool will create a new log folder when it is opened every time. 2. Support 4G+ address.Limitations: This version does not support MT6516. |
v3.1209.00 | Bug fixes: N/A.New features / Enhancement: 1. Support Firmware upgrade. 2. Before download, user must provide right Checksum.ini. |
v3.1203.04 | Bug fixes: N/A.New features / Enhancement: 1. Support eMMC. |
v3.1151.00 | Bug fixes: 1. Fix the Firmware upgrade bug. 2. Scan USB port bug.New features / Enhancement: 1.Move the PID and VID to ini file. 2.Preloader download DA. |
v2.1144.02 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v7.1144.05.0. 2. Support MT6575 platform format and download.Limitations: This version does not support firmware upgrade. |
v2.1140.00 | Bug fixes: 1. Fix bugs about tool has no response when pull USB cable out during DA download allNew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1140.02 2. Add host memory buffer checksum when DA download all images |
v2.1137.01 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1136.02 2. Expand channel from 8 to 16 3. Add firmware upgrade by DA only 4. Add checksum option for DA download all 5. Support MT6516 firmware upgrade (partial format + download) 6. Optimize the flow of firmware upgrade 7. Enhance COM port labeling mechanism |
v2.1132.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1132.04 2. Manual labeling BootRom USB COM port in INI file 3. Adjust functions on UI; Remove “Download all”; Remove “two-site download”; Add “Format bootloader”; Optimize “Firmware upgrade” |
v2.1129.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1129.03 |
v2.1125.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1125.02 2. Update eboot.dll v1.1123.03 3. Add DA full/high speed download all image 4. Add Firmware upgrade function 5. Add DA download all image w/o battery |
v2.1121.04 | Bug fixes: 1. Fix UI bugs about auto polling 2. Fix bug about two-site downloadNew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1121.03.00 2. Update eboot.dll v1.1121.00 |
v2.1120.00 | Bug fixes: 1. Fix UI bugs platform related 2. Fix multi-thread high speed download all images bugsNew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1120.01.00 |
v2.1119.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Update Flashtoollib.dll & DA v6.1119.01.00 2. Support DA full/high speed download all images 3. Support auto polling download 4. Integrate MT6516 operations |
v2.1113.00 | Bug fixes: N/ANew features / Enhancement: 1. Support UART+USB Format, Download and Format+Download operation for MT6573 E2 2. Support USB only Format, Download and Format+Download operation for MT6573 E2 |
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