The Psychology Of Blogging

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    The Psychology Of Blogging

    Blogging what is this now? hold your breath. Blogging is a means of organising items, stories, news, and information on the internet. It is like a website, but this one is free you do not have to pay any hosting fee. I found out about blogging in 2011. I was just playing with it all through that time. But as I kept doing it, I found this guy at viperchill that is even employing family members doing blogging after he left his full time job and decided to do blogging. He is crazy about seo (you can read about what the heck is seo at (The A, B, C's Of SEO). I found out how much I was in love with blogging late 2014. There is always something new to work on when you are doing blogging.

    BannerFans.comIf you must have notice from 2011 - 2015 that sums up to 4 years of experience. So I have been able to come out with the psychology of it. The psychology of it is there are millions if not billions of people searching the internet every day, create a blog write anything and you will start getting a share of that large amount of people on the internet. That is not it. What you are talking about has to make sense and there is some little if not allot of work that have to be done.

    When it comes to blogging there is article marketing, there is video marketing, there is social media marketing and there is seo (search engine optimisation). We are not going to be talking about that today, to get more on that read this one How To Promote My Video Game Blog.
    I want to work with your psychology. There are 156 million blogs on the internet. That number should not scare you, only a thousand of them end up making it as bloggers. This is because few of them are able to set authority in the topic they are trying to present to the world.

    Now what can I write on to generate recognition on the internet? That is a good question that should be pondering your mind if you are following up with what I am trying to bring to you today. Hold on, you do not have to write about physics explaining to people about radioactivity or mathematical functions. I find some of you posting marriage pictures, birthdays pictures, swimming pool pictures that end up getting hundreds of likes on facebook. You can make money from that if you create a blog, organise this pictures get a link from that blog and post on your facebookwall to direct people to your blog. You can also create a facebook page and even make some discern money from that too.

    You can create a blog telling people about your marriage experience, how you take care of your children or how you take care of your garden vegetables. Only make sure you have some proof that you actually know what you are talking about. You can put photos, videos to claim what you know so that  people can know what you are talking about. By so doing, people will not see you as a kind and turn to ignore you.

    We live in an internet world today. What are you good at on the internet, spending hours on social media sites like facebookand twitter chatting with friends, following up with all sport activities, reading news on the internet, commenting on other websites, following up with all scoops about your favourite stars... All you have to do is create a blog so you get a link and write things you are passionate about and post them to your area of expertise. You will be surprise the magic that it will work.

    BannerFans.comNow how do you make money. You have to do what is known as affiliate marketing. Amazon and click back offers such opportunities, even eBay. Where you get the link of a particular product on these sites and place on your blog and if some one buys that product, you get what is known as commission, it can be as high as 75% or 50, 50. Say you place the link of a product that cost 100$ on your blog and then someone ends up buying that particular product you end up getting 75$ in the case of 75% commission or 50$ in the case of 50% commission. Yes that is how simple it is.

    Just start a blog write on what you love so as to keep the continuity and then share the link on an area on the internet you are good at. People start visiting your blog and then you start making money. But wait until you get at least a thousand visitors per month before you start posting affiliate links on that blog or else people will think you want to scam them or you are interested in just getting their money.

    Creating a blog on the internet is just about 1% of the whole thing. Writing interesting stuffs people what to engage in still rank at 1%. To bring the two together, creating a blog and writing interesting stuffs people want to engage in sum up to 2% of the blogging /" target="_blank">game. So where is the rest 98%? you may curiously ask. It is found in what is called internet traffic. This is the number of people that visits your blog on a daily basis. Whether you have the most attractive blog or the most interesting stuffs on the web without traffic, all that is useless. Read on as we find out what I mean by internet traffic by blogcommenting...

    BannerFans.comThe most effective way to get traffic is to gain reorganization by search engines like Google, yahoo, The process involved in getting noticed by these search engines is called SEO ( Search Engine Optimization. )  This is what it entitles you to do, create back links and do keyword research. Back links are links pointing directly to your blog. You get them by commenting on other blogs, creating profiles on other websites that will eventually give to one link back to your blog, submitting your blogto blog directories, submitting articles to article directories, submitting videos to video sites. Keyword is simply what people normally search for on search engines, say someone type the key phrase ( daily devotional ) on Google. If your blog is ranked high on that particular keyword, then it will be shown on the first ten results of

    So here is the game, you what to have as many keywords ranked on the front page of Googleas possible. Preferably the first page. If you will have to do this alone, that involves allot of hard work. It is almost an impossible task. But as life always have it, people always find a way around. What is the way around? you want to get as much social shares as possible. Google just came up with its own social media site ( Google+ ) if you have a particular post that gets allot of +1 on Google+ that post stands a better chance of ranking on the first page of Google.

    The question now is, how do you get your social shares? you need people. How do you get people? this is how. When you just start a new blog, you will find thousand if not million of information out there on the internet trying to teach you how to blog, how to generate internet traffic... But very few if any knows the secret. They will overwhelm you with junk stuffs that don't work. It is my heart desire that everyone that wants to make profitable blogging should see this post. Please if you happen to see this share it to your friends and encourage them to also share it to their friends.

    There are 156 million blogs on the internet. That should not scare you. only a few end up making it as bloggers. Why? they get tied of doing the things they are supposed to do to get internet traffic.

    When you make the decision to create a blog, make sure you choose what you are passionate about to write on. This to ensure you love what you do and can write regularly on that topic. Don't copy content from other blogs. This has a penalty on Google. What you can do if you need some kick start skills is to modify contents from other blogs. Try to make it as unique as possible.

    Then you want to find blogs that blog on the same topic as you ( in the blogging world, this is called niche. ) Choose ones that already have a loyal readership. Understand the writer very well because he is king on the blog and you are trying to get the attention of the king. The minute he/she notices you are trying to get his/her attention, you are dead. What you want to do is present yourself as a fan of that topic that shares similar interest with the others of that blog. When posting comments on such blogs, make sure you properly introduce yourself, your name, where you come from, what you do for a living and if possible your marital status. Then make comments that add value to what the writer is saying. In this way you can gain the readers of that blog and even the writer.

    BannerFans.comTipp: you can pick up a fight, but make sure you know what you are doing. This brings allot of heat from the readers and even from the writer. They might get to dislike you, bad for you. But if you make it through, the writer will want to know you for sure. You got the king and all his followers will just follow you.

    Do you know people are making money blogging and even a living? you can too. When you understand what is going on. If you read this post well, then you are good to go.

    Making Money On The Internet

    The Bible said ''awake oh sleepers.'' What the Bible meant here is not actually those sleeping on their bed but those sleeping on what is going on in this world of ours. The internet today is where everyone is found. I heard people even now find Spouse on the internet. Sites like has almost 2 billion people. It has even been termed as the reason why people browse the internet these days. I just want to open your eyes. So read on as I try to do that.

    There are several legitimate ways you can make money on the internet. Through freelance jobs on sites like Where you are required to do simple things like data entry, article writing, copy writing to complicated jobs like java scripts and web design... On a site like, you are required to search for jobs post by those that require your service, and then you will have to bit for that job. The secret here is if you are new on the internet you will have to go in for the data entry jobs and if you are good at writing, then you can take article writing and copy writing. When starting, make sure you have the lowest bit. And be polite. Write short reviews about yourself like ''Dear sir I am new here and I promise I will do my best to deliver your service at the lowest price.'' And then you have an additional advantage if you are the first to bit on a particular project.

    You can also make money on sites likes facebook.comand You can do that through cpa's and affiliate marketing. This is how. On, after you have got as much followers as you can, you can join affiliate sites like On, people post affiliate products and you get what is called a commission if that product is bought through a link posted by you. Some are as high as 75% while some is 50, 50. Same on But facebook.comhas an additional advantage in that you can create a page and place cpa's options. Cpa's are form filling projects where you are paid a low amount of money if people fill forms on your website or facebook page. You can also past affiliate links on your facebook page.

    You can also create a blog on free sites like, or create a free website. Here you are required to do a little of hard work. This is where making money on the internet is all found. People are known to live on what they make on their blogs or websites. But you will have to get involved in what is called internet traffic. A very frustrating and hard working process. It involves SEO ( Search Engine Optimization, ) article marketing, social media marketing, video marketing. With Seo, you will have to build links so you can get noticed by search engines like, and With article marketing, you will have to write articles and submit them to article directories like, With social media marketing, you will have to create social profiles on sites like,,,, Video marketing requires you to create short videos and submit them to sites like

    BannerFans.comThe secret here is try to be an expert in at least one. Don't try to do it all. It will not work. If you choose SEO, work on it if you choose article marketing, work on that...

    Be patience, consistence and hard working. You are a free man and I am trying to teach you the ways of a free man. Be your own BOSS.

    Ask your questions I am here to answer.

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