Make a bootable USB drive for Backtrack 6 (Kali Linux) on Windows / Mac

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    Make a bootable USB drive for Backtrack 6 (Kali Linux) on Windows / Mac

     Using Kali Linux (Backtrack 6) on your computer can be done with 2 diffrent ways:

    1/ Recommanded: By making a Kali Bootable USB Drive
    2/ Install Kali Linux on a Virtual Machine (eg. Virtualbox)

    Making a Kali Bootable USB Drive (Windows & Os X)

     - Non-destructive: no changes to the host system’s hard drive or installed OS, to go back to normal operations simply remove the “Kali Live” USB drive and restart the system.
     - Portable: Kali Linux is in your pocket and have it running in minutes on an available system
     - Customizable: you can roll your own custom Kali Linux ISO image and put it onto a USB drive using the same procedures
     - Potentially persistent: you can configure your Kali Linux “live” USB drive to have persistent storage, so the data you collect is saved across reboots

     - Kali Linux ISO image (You can choose a direct or a torrent link for your 32 or 64 system)
     - A USB thumb drive, 4GB minimum. (Systems with a direct SD card slot can use an SD card with similar capacity. The procedure is identical.)

     On Windows:

     - Download Win32 Disk Imager softwar (no installation needed).
     - Plug your USB drive on your Windows PC, note which drive designator (eg. “F:\”) it uses once it mounts, and launch the Win32 Disk Imager software.
     - Choose the Kali Linux ISO file to be imaged and verify that the USB drive to be overwritten is the correct one then click “Write”.
    bootable USB driveBacktrack 6 Kali Linux

     - Once the imaging is complete, eject the USB drive from your PC. You can now use the USB device to boot into Kali Linux.

    On OS X:

     Once you’ve downloaded and verified your chosen Kali ISO file, you use dd command to copy it over to your USB stick.

     WARNING: Although the process of imaging Kali on a USB drive is very easy, you can just as easily overwrite a disk drive you didn’t intend to with dd if you do not understand what you are doing, or if you specify an incorrect output path. Double-check what you’re doing before you do it, it’ll be too late afterwards.

    Consider yourself warned.

     - Without the USB drive plugged into the system, open a Terminal window, and type the command diskutil list at the command prompt.
     - You will get a list of the device paths (looking like /dev/disk0, /dev/disk1, etc.) of the disks mounted on your system, along with information on the partitions on each of the disks.

    bootable USB drive for Backtrack 6 (Kali Linux)

     - Plug in your USB device to your Apple computer’s USB port and run the command diskutil list a second time. Your USB drive’s path will most likely be the last one. In any case, it will be one which wasn’t present before. In this example, you can see that there is now a /dev/disk6 which wasn’t previously present.

    bootable USB drive for Backtrack 6 (Kali Linux)
     - Unmount the drive (assuming, for this example, the USB stick is /dev/disk6 — do NOT simply copy this, verify the correct path on your own system!):
     diskutil unmount /dev/disk6
      Proceed to (carefully!) image the Kali ISO file on the USB device. The following command assumes that your USB drive is on the path /dev/disk6, and you’re in the same directory with your Kali Linux ISO, which is named “kali-linux-1.0.9a-amd64.iso”:
     sudo dd if=kali-linux-1.0.9a-amd64.iso of=/dev/disk6 bs=1m
     Note: Increasing the blocksize (bs) will speed up the write progress, but will also increase the chances of creating a bad USB stick. Using the given value on OS X has produced reliable images consistently.

     Imaging the USB drive can take a good amount of time, over half an hour is not unusual, as the sample output below shows. Be patient!
     The dd command provides no feedback until it’s completed, but if your drive has an access indicator, you’ll probably see it flickering from time to time. The time to dd the image across will depend on the speed of the system used, USB drive itself, and USB port it’s inserted into. Once dd has finished imaging the drive, it will output something that looks like this:
    2911+1 records in
    2911+1 records out
    3053371392 bytes transferred in 2151.132182 secs (1419425 bytes/sec)
     And that’s it! You can now boot into a Kali Live / Installer environment using the USB device.

    Read next: Install Kali Linux in dual boot with Windows

     Source: kali

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