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Leading Bloggers
Leadership is something that has been in place from the foundation of the Earth. Man fall when he left the leadership of God. We are not here today to talk about the Bible, so stay with me. In the times of the Pirates, when a leader fails to lead them to Gold and precious stones, he was either replaced or killed. A good leader should be able to inspire, encourage, guard, direct protect his subjects. I want to take up that position and hope you vote for me to be your leader.
If you recently had an idea to start a blog then do a search on the number of blogs online, and you will find out that there are over 167 million blogs online. That is a huge number right? It even has the power to discourage you. But that is why I am here to tell you, you do not have to get discouraged. Just a hand full of all these people owning these blogs earn the blogger rewards. It is a fun way to make money on the internet. You make money while sleeping. You make money every day. And blogging is one of the most effective ways to make money on the internet.
How do you make money through blogging?
There is a program known as affiliate marketing where you get products from online stores place them on your site, and if this product is bought through your affiliate link, you earn what is known as a commission. Let us use Amazon as a case study. In Amazon, there are products ranging from books to TV sets. You get a product from Amazon, place it on your blog, someone one sees that product on your blog, click through that link on your blog, buys that product from Amazon, you earn 50% or 75% commission of the purchase price. So let us say to took a product from Amazon that costs 1$, if some one buys that product, you earn 50 and 25 cent respectively.
Now after knowing how to make money on your blog, let that not excite you. You need to get people to visit your blog, enjoy and connect with what you have to offer. This is where most people die. It is a difficult and frustrating process.
Why most people do not make it as bloggers?
1. The internet is used by almost everyone nowadays, but that does not mean you can just publish anything on the internet and expect that people will just start flourishing into what you have published. You need to be seen by search engines, social medias...
2. The topic you have to blog on, in the blogger world is known as niche. Before you jump into any niche, you have to do some research. Find influencers in that niche, see what they are doing, interview them if you are able to, most of them are willing to answer questions. You can even take a case study on them and come out with a post about them publish it on your blog and then inform them that you have done that. Let us take for example. You have decided to write about taken care of home garden. Just the fact that you know about home gardening does not just make you to jump on the internet and start writing about home gardening. You need to know the world of home gardening on the internet.
3. Laziness: Blogging is not a means of running away from the hard work at your work place. It also entails a schedule amount of work every day before you can make earn means. But the advantage here is that once you start getting visitors then you have arrived.
4. Lack of Motivation: Do not choose a topic you have not done any research on or just because everyone is writing about that topic. Trust me you will need allot of motivation in the early years of your blogger career. It is a perilous time. Choose something you love talking about in your every day life. For those of you that like football, why not write about football, do you like video games then write about video games, or maybe you like fashion then tell the world about your passion on fashion.
5. No strategy: Yes you might be intelligent. You know what you are talking about. But why don't you have tones of people stumbling on your blog yet? You will need a strategy. We will talk about this later in the post.
So those are some of the reasons why your friend that is trying to discourage you from doing blogging has faced is or will face. I have a 5 Years blogging experience, I want to run you through a one year successful blogging experience. You ready then let us get into it.
In the blogging world, you can not do without what is known as internet traffic, web traffic, blog traffic. From this term alone has come multi million dollar companies covering the following topics
Article marketing: where you write articles about a particular topic and submit them to article directories like ezinearticles...
Video marketing: Here you create short videos and submit them to video sites like youtube...
Social media marketing: You have to be active on social media sites like facebook, twitter.
Forum posting: You will have to find forums that are relevant to your niche and contribute to the question and answer section of these forums.
SEO: known as search engine optimization. You will have to make certain search terms known as keywords from your blog being seen on the first page of search engines. And google when it comes to search engine optimization is your best friend.
Blog Commenting: You will have to look for sites that write about what you are interested in and make comments on what they are sharing on the internet.
Joining Question and Answer sites: There are sites on the internet like quora and yahoo answer where people come and ask about things they are interested in, concern about frustrated about want to learn about... you can be of good help if you develop a sense of expertise on a particular topic on these sites.
From me you are allowed to use any of the marketing strategy above.
Choose two and do until you become an expert.
We are going to be looking at search engine optimization. To get noticed by search engines, you need what is known as backlinks. There is a guy that has it all when it comes to backlinks. Known as Brian Dean owner of backlinko. He became famous when he came up with the scraper technique. Which involves searching on a topic that you are interested in to write about that already has allot of exposure, modify it and share it on the internet again. You will love his method of getting backlinks which comes from social signals. How many share and likes can you get from facebook, how many retweets can you get from twitter, how many pins can you get from pinterest, how many stumbles can you get from stumbleupon...
Other things you will love about Brian.
- Has a focus: Brain has studied backlinks and has concentrated all his attention to get the best out of what backlinks bring.
- Keep it simple: You will never hear Brian telling you about something you can not do. His English is also the simple English. And not a sophisticated English class.
- Does case study: Brian is very interested in the success of his readers. If you make it with one of the methods Brian give to you, he is going to do a case study on you and gain you even more exposure.
Videos: Brian also comes out with videos for those of you that prefer watching videos.
Course: Brian has an upcoming course to teach you about what he has learn about backlinks.
Cute: You an handle Brian's look.
There is this guy that I met on the internet when it comes to traffic known as Neil Portal. He has many blogs, but I got to know him through quicksproud. This man has been blogging for 10 years, sure he knows what the hell he is talking about. Neil also keeps it simple and straight to the point. He has his readers at heart. Uses Info graphics to explain statistics.
If there are 167 million blogs online, that makes any search term about blogging crazy right? Why not take some time, study the blogger platform, come out with a great post about blogging, the blogger platform, your traffic methods, your social media integration. And then you can incorporate it with your area of expertise.
People are making as much as 8 million dolars from blogging. Who say you can not too. Give it a try put in some effort. Do not go in for failure but for success.
Hit me up with any comments.
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