Have You Seen How Many Blogs Are Online?

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    Have You Seen How Many Blogs Are Online?

    The first time I stumbled upon blogging was back in 2011. By then I did not even know what I had felt on. I was just trying to have content online to my Cameroonian friends since I had just travelled to Germany at the time. When I just started to find out what blogging was all about back in 2012, I found out that people made some money blogging. I was determined to also make some money from my blog. I have succeeded to make a couple of dollars since then. But I was curious to find out more...

    Then late 2014 I found out that people do make a living from blogging. Then I took blogging a little serious since I had just recently lost my metal construction job at the time. The last time I search the internet, there is this blogger that is making as much as 8 million dollars from her blog.

    Now that I have a story rolling for you, let us get into why we are here today. If you search the internet on the number of blogs that are online, you will find out that there are more than 167 million blogs online. That sounds crazy right? What you can not find is what all these blogs are writing about.

    Reason For This Huge Number

    Most people create a blog, publish 5 post, create 2 backlinks, write 6 articles. Seat and think people will just start visiting their blog. If they do not find people coming to the blog, they create another and another. So you might find out at the end of the day, one person owns a total of 10 unsuccessful blogs. Some of them are just ignorant of the task they are required to carry if they have to become successful bloggers and some are just lazy.

    What does that number of online blogs tell you, that every search term related to blogging goes crazy right? This is where I come in. Do not start a blog about physics, when you can just do a proper study on the different blogger platforms and teach people how to use them and you can get famous doing just that.

    There are going to be people who just want to understand the blogger platform to do certain task. There are many blogger platforms, you have blogger, owned by google, wordpress, typad and many others. So if you do a study on how to use these different blogger platforms, then you should be able to get a share on what has developed from the blogging world.

    Now you have known that there are people who just want to understand the different blogger platforms. Let us take it to the next level. The next set of people you are going to find are people who want to know what blogging is all about. There is no specific topic you are required to blog about.

    What are you passionate about? Search the internet to find out about influencers already blogging about what you are passionate about. Understand the internet world you are passionate about. Come out with some new ideas. But you have to be found in the internet world. Do some more research if you have to, add what you know if you must, but make sure you stay on tract.

    Now you have known what people are dying about to share on the internet. Let us get into the next question

    How do you get people to read what you have written?

    Even if you are teaching people how to use blogger owned by google, you will still need people to visit and read what you have to say. The process involved in getting people to read what you have written is known as internet traffic, web traffic, blog traffic. It is the most broad topic when it comes to blogging. I am going to tell you the different marketing strategies involved in getting internet traffic and you will have to choose a few of them and do studies until you are able to create expertise in these areas. I am also going to be showing you how to make money from these services.

    SEO: In full search engine optimization. What is required of you here is to make friends with search engines. And you want to be best of friends with google. Google is the largest search engine on the internet. It's video site is the second largest search engine on the web. That should tell you its authority when it comes to search engine optimization.

    So what is it about search engine optimization?

    Your blog will have to come up with search terms that are ranked preferably on the front page of google. There are two things involved when it comes to search engine optimization, which are:

    Keywords: These are the search terms people will normally search in order to get into a product, news, or idea... There are people who are going to tell you to do keyword research. But I am not one of such people. That is to me waste of time. Find out the topic you are interested to write about, do some careful research, come out with a good post of at least 2000 words and there are going to be a good amount of keywords in that post of yours to get you to rank high on google. There are even paid services to do keyword research, if you buy that, you will just be wasting your hard earned money.

    Backlinks: How google will rank your site will be determine from the number of backlinks you have. Here quality defeads quantity. One authority backlink is worth 1000 low quality backlinks. You get backlinks when other sites link to you. I have someone for you that can help you go through backlinks with ease known as Brian Dean, he is the owner of backlinko.

    Making Money Through SEO

    Yes you can make money from your search engine optimation knowledge. There are multi million dollars companies just to carry out this service for web and blog owners. This comes through what is known as link building. So when doing link building, you want to give it some more attention since it has the power to make you some extra money. There are going to be web and blog owners that will pay you to do their link building project for them. You can find them easily on sites like freelancer. Freelancer is a site where website and blog owners come and post jobs ranging from simple data entry to complicated java scripting. You can easily find someone on freelancer seeking to get their link building project completed for a certain amount of fee.

    If you want to catch a project on freelancer, then you will have to be consistent on the site. Since you might be biding on a single project with hundreds of other freelancers. You have an added advantage if you are the first to bid on a project. Make sure you bid the lowest since you are just starting on this site. And always leave a private message to the project owner. Do not go for trial by error, make such each project you are bidding for you have read and is able to meet up with the requirements to complete that project. Freelancer is a realistic site you can easily bid on a project and earn up winning that project. Do not write a cv, most people are not interested to read a long and detailed cv, they want to know if you can do the job or not. Write something simple like

    Dear sir

    I am new here. I promise I will deliver an excellent job and at the lowest price.

    Articles: You have come out with something you are passionate to write about. You will need to come out with article ideas of at least 450 words and submit them to article directories. When writing the articles, do not make it look like a school assay, make it to look like a story. This is going to make it interesting. If people love what you have written, they will publish your articles on their website or blog, gaining even more exposure. Try not to focus your attention on search engines but on people. Use the prefixes I, you, me and write in a conversational tone.

    Making Money Through Article Marketing

    Are you good at writing articles? Can you do copy writing? then you have a good job on the internet. There are some people that have too much work or are too lazy to come up with their own articles. What this type of people do is hire others to get this work done for them. You can find such people at freelancer and odesk. You get as much as 2$ for a single article.

    Social Media: For those of you that are good with chatting on the internet, I have something for you. Let us see how we can convert that chat into some traffic and even some money. The two biggest and most popular social media sites on the web are facebook and twitter. Facebook has almost 2 billion users. It is known as the reason why people browse the internet these days. All your favourite stars keep their update with you on facebook. There are games that are played by millions on facebook. You can use all of these for your benefit. You can create a facebook page, keep up with the updates from your favourite stars and games, by so doing you will make some new friends whom you can direct to your page. Twitter is a mini blogger platform where you can post short messages. To get the most out of your tweets, make sure you include photos and links.

    Some people have come up with optimal times to post on twitter and facebook. Twitter on Friday at 2pm - 5pm, facebook on Thursday at 1pm - 3pm. I do not believe in this, study your audience know what they like, give it to them. Do not post on odd hours though like 12am, almost everybody is at sleep or in the nightclubs at this time.

    Making Money Through Social Media Marketing

    If you get a good amount of facebook likes and twitter followers, then you can begin to post affiliate links. Amazon and click bank offers such opportunities, even eBay. Where you get the link of a particular product on these sites and place on your blog and if some one buys that product, you get what is known as commission, it can be as high as 75% or 50, 50. Say you place the link of a product that cost 100$ on your blog and then someone ends up buying that particular product you end up getting 75$ in the case of 75% commission or 50$ in the case of 50% commission. Yes that is how simple it is.

    Videos: If you have a webcam at home that will be a great idea. You can come up with short video ideas and upload them to video sites. The videos should be at most 6 minutes to get maximum clicks. If you do not know where to upload your videos, do a google search on video sites and it will show you a ton of them for you to choose from.

    Blog commenting: Here you are required to search for people already writing on your topic. Read through what they have written and then make comments. Make sure the comment is addressing the said topic. You can gain recognition from the already loyal blog readers of that blog. And even the owner if you comment consistently.

    Forum Posting: People come together on the internet in places known as forums to share common interest. Ask question, learn from each other. Most of these forums give you 2 links, you get 1 profile link and 1 signature link. Make sure you answer only question that you know what you are talking about, by so doing you can scratch up a conversation. If you get 2 of such conversation running, then your blog will get some visitor and link juice. Some of these forums give you the opportunity to create a group. So you can create a group and attract those of similar interest.

    Question And Answer Sites: The 2 biggest and most popular of such sites are yahoo answer and quora. People ask thousand of questions on these sites on a daily bases. Go there join in, find out who you are able to help, help them with what you know, and maybe they love you and visit your blog.

    Press Release: This is almost similar to article marketing, but for the fact that your articles will have to sound like a news. Come out with a news idea of the topic you have chosen. There are many sites that do accept press release. Do a google search to get a list of such sites.

    File Sharing: Like videos, you can upload files to file sharing sites. Preferably pdf so that it can be downloaded. If your file goes viral, then you know what that means.

    All of the above have developed from the term blogging. There are even companies running these services I just listed above. So it is not a play game. Like I said early, you do not have to do all of them and become the master of known. You know the saying ''Jack of all trade and the master of non''. See the ones that grab your interest and is interesting when doing. Study it and do not be intimidated by the big fishes. There are some little details they are under looking because of their scale, this is where you come in, take up all these little pieces, study them, proof them, deliver it to the web and watch the wanders. 

    Hit me up with any comments

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