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Blogging Your Way To A Million Dollar Empire
If you are someone that is regular and curious about what is going on, on the internet like me, then you must have found out that people make money on the internet. I am not talking here about scammers, I am talking here about people who make real money. For those of you that do not know, there are people that are going to ask you to buy a product online, the most common is a dog and do not deliver the goods, this type of people are called scammers. I want to talk to you today about people that will deliver you, your product and even give you an online course to teach you what they have learnt.
Gone are the days when internet surfing was fun, people loved to receive emails, infact it was a prestigious thing at the time, people felt proud when they bought something online. Then came this time when the internet world was exploited, people started receiving emails of scams and even emails threatening their lives. All that did not stop the internet from growing, from the times of emails and fun surfing, the internet has grown tremendously, but people now are very careful as to what they buy and the type of emails they receive. People have even started protecting their email addresses with software some of which I do not even know about.
With all that said, I am just trying to drag you into the internet world. I want to open your eyes so you can also tap from what has evolved in the internet world. The most active age groups on the internet range from 10 - 25. They spend much time on the internet searching on any thing that is interesting to them. Play games for hours on the internet. Keep up with their favourite stars on the internet. 30 - 65 are boring parents who want to check every thing their child is doing on the internet and protect them from explicit contents like pornography.
Stars, companies have been known to run their whole activity on the internet. You can come in here. Who is your favourite star? Eminen, Beyonce... What brand of product do you like, Sony Play station, Microsoft Corporation. Or maybe you are good at programming, why don't you create a game, software and show the world what you are able to create. From here I expect you to start following up. A million dollars is not money to get some burgers at McDonalds. We are talking here about financial independence. So you need to be able to keep up with each updates I am making.
You have come up with your favourite stars, companies, game programming abilities. What next? you need to study the internet world to find out what type of people are you involved with. Are you involved with teenagers or adults. This is going to help you to know how to get some money from the age group. We will cover that later. Keep up with me as we try to go through this together.
The aim of the internet world has been exploited. The internet world was made for people to reach each other far and near. But now it is a home of pornographic materials, scams and even demonic activities. People are tied of protecting their children from online porn and from purchasing products that do not reach them, people have even have demonic activities to solve as a result of surfing the internet.
Get this from me, these days before people start giving you their money on the interne, they have to trust you. So no matter how good you have understood the stars you love and found out who share this similar love with you, no matter how good you are with video games, even if you are a ps3 game computer programmer, you will need to gain some trust before people can start buying what you have to sell.
Now you want to learn how to gather people right? let us try to cover that. You can create a blog on a free site like blogger which is owned by google, create a page on facebook, get a twitter account. This is what you are able to do with a blog. You can write articles post it on the blog encourage people to read what you have posted. If people are interested in what you have posted, then they will either subscribe with their emails or share your content on social media sites like facebook, twitter... On facebook you can post status updates, say you are the first to learn about a latest game release, you can post it on facebook and your fans can then learn from what you have posted. Same with twitter. Post status updates and your followers can benefit from what you have found.
Now you have known the internet, what is required of you in order to make real money on the internet and not scam people. You have know where to get the trust of people. Now what you what to know, how to make money from the different age groups. If you are someone that is promoting something for teenagers, then you do not have to place things that require them to buy anything, what you can do with this age group is get them to get involved in form filling and link clicking. There are companies offering jobs online known as cpa's where people are required to fill forms and at the end you earn some money. You can also integrate google adsense into your blog where individuals will be required to click on links that show up on the ads and you earn money if they do this.
If you are dealing with the buying age, then you can join a program on Amazon and clickbank known as affiliate marketing, where you get a commission if a product is bought through a special link you got either from Amazon or clickbank.
By now I expect you to have already gotten what and where we are trying to go to,. Let us use blogging as a case study. There are over 167 million blogs online. People create blogs for different reasons, to share photos with friends, to share life experience with the world, to share how to's, stories, assemble content online. Gone are the days when blog was meant just for publishing content online, now people make a living out of it.
That is what I want us to be talking about today. How can to make a million dollar empire from blogging. People most of the times if not all of the times use search engines to search for what they are looking online. Google is the biggest and most popular search engine on the web. In order to get google's attention, you are going to find out free and even paid services telling you to do keyword research and building backlinks. Trust me this process has the power to discourage you from the blogging world.
So what if I tell you there is a way to bypass keyword research and backlink building. Facebook, twitter and best of all google+ owned by google itself has a huge part to play when it comes to finding things on google. The part they play on google is known as social signals.
This is what you want to do, get as much social signals as possible. How do you do that? look for topics that are hot on facebook, twitter, google+. Some of you are very good when it comes to keeping up with your favourite star updates on facebook and twitter, with google+ you will have to keep up with brands. Why not create you own.
Google have been known to pay a close attention on the number of shares and likes a post gets on facebook, the number of retweets a post gets on twitter, the number of google +1s and share a post gets on google+. So if your name comes up on a topic that goes viral, you will gain some exposure which will eventually lead to people visiting your blog or like your facebook page.
So you have come up with a game, there are people that spend hours playing games on facebook. I do not know the upload policies of games on facebook. But I do know individuals are allowed to upload games on facebook. What if your game becomes the next Farmville, that even people that came out with a Manuel where made millionaires.
Facebook has almost 2 billion users, there are many ways to make thousand of friends on facebook. Join groups of similar interest, like pages that share what you can engage in, start your own group. Post regular, share news, inspirational and encouragement quotes, share photos, try to be funny sometimes. Give your readers some time to miss you. Don't overload them with content. This is similar with twitter. With google+, people often share just photos explaining what they are trying to transpire to the world. Take some time study what is it that you are telling the world, look for pictures explaining your idea, share it on google+, who knows maybe it goes viral, starting up an online career for you.
You do not have to tell people about nuclear physics, you can know how to take care of a school garden, tell people how you do that, you can know how to cook a delicious meal, tell the world how you do that, or maybe you want to share your success on a successful marriage life, the world what's to hear that. Do not be afraid that people will not like what you have to share. A good search term is searched at least 1000000 times on a monthly bases, there must be some people that will find what you have to say interesting.
Once you start getting people liking your facebook page, becoming friends with you on facebook, following you on twitter, following you on google+, subscrbing to your newsletter, these are the people you want to make happy, they will buy your products, spread your content.
Make sure you reply to their comments, ease their minds on their concerns. Attack people that want to attack them for reading what you have to say. If you are successful, some of them will like to ask you for help to start up their own blog, twitter account or facebook page, give it to them and they will remember you when they are grown and this is going to increase your audience dramatically. Give them the opportunity to ask questions and make sure you answer each one of these questions, They can even suggest what they will like reading from you, do your best that you see they get this.
When you just start do not be afraid to interview influencers in your industry. Some of them are kind enough to reply to you. Make sure to keep it simple and not write them as if they are some gurus. Write them with allot of respect addressing their success. You can even come up with posts about them and inform them that you have done that.
Do not flood your blog with affiliate links when it has just 2 visitors a daily. People will have to first of all get engage with what you have to say and then they will compensate you by buying from the links you have to provide. Most internet buyers are already aware of affiliate links and they see those that are just interested in getting their money, they will bypass your affiliate link and move straight to Amazon or clickbank. But if they see that your content is adding some value into their lives and educating them, they will reward you by buying from what you have to sell.
Why not come up with your own e-book. On clickbank, you will be busy promoting peoples e-books about weight loss, game manuals, how to's. You can come up with your own so that people will be busy promoting what you have come up with. Get on the internet, collect data, arrange it in a pdf file, post it on clickbank and watch people start promoting this product for you. Or you know how to better take care of kitchen utensils, write an e-book teaching people how to do that and they will reward you by buying what you have to sell.
Nowadays every one wants to blog, have you known something about blogging that no one else is talking about, tell the world about it and make some money by doing just that. Do not be scared by the number of blogs that are online, do not be scared by the number of facebook page that are online, do not be scared by the number of people that have eaten up twitter. Come up with your own unique idea, start a blog and tell the world about what you have found, create a facebook page and encourage and inspire people on a daily bases, build a twitter follow up by sharing to them their favourite news about their stars.
If you do all what I have said then you can make some money online why not a living. Be consistent, give some time, you are not a robot that can do this everyday 24/7. Once you start making money, do not stop until you reach a million dollars.
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