Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X

Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X - welcome to our blog that presents the full content How Gadget, the discussion this time we're discussing that you find that Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X, we have provided complete information with images that are easy to understand, the explanation is simple but complete, therefore please read until the end :)

This is about : Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X
And this article : Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X

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    Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X

    We have seen how to interface an LCD with PIC16F877A  . In this we are printing only a letter in the  LCD , now we are going to Display a string on the LCD  for this following steps are followed

    First Create a MPLAB X project as in the steps for  Blinking a LED using MPLAB X , PIC16F877A

    And check the  Interfacing LCD with PIC16F877A in MPLAB X  to know how to interface a LCD

    1.PIC16F877A micro controller
    2. 2x16 LCD Display

    we are using the following functions 

    • void delay(unsigned int msec) // Time delay function

    • void lcd_cmd(unsigned char item) // Function to send command to LCD

    • void lcd_data(unsigned char item) // Function to send data to LCD

    • void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str) // Function to send data to string

    • void lcd(unsigned char str[10])

    To display the string in  LCD , just call the below lines in main function

      lcd("STRING TO DISPLAY");

    The functions are defined below 

    void delay(unsigned int msec) // Time delay function
    int i,j ;
    void lcd_cmd(unsigned char item) // Function to send command to LCD
    dataport = item;
    rs= 0;
    void lcd_data(unsigned char item) // Function to send data to LCD
    dataport = item;
    rs= 1;
    void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str) // Function to send data to string
    int i=0;
    void lcd(unsigned char str[10])

    Information Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X has been completed we present

    A few of our information about the Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X, we hope you benefit from this article

    You have just read the article Displaying a Word or String in an 16x2 LCD with PIC16F877A and MPLAB X and many articles about gadget in our blog this, please read it. and url link of this article is https://howtomonetizeeverything.blogspot.com/2012/10/displaying-word-or-string-in-16x2-lcd.html Hopefully discussion articles on provide more knowledge about the world of tech gadgets.

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