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Take advantage of HP Android Application Troubleshooting
Memiliki HP pintar sekelas android, pastinya banyak keuntungan yang BGers dapatkan. Selain mampu mengakomodir beragam kemudahan mulai dari kebutuhan jejaring sosial, entertainment, hingga yang terkait dengan file data maupun koneksi nirkabel, HP pintar ini juga dapat meningkatkan gengsi BGers, setidaknya. Namun tahukah BGers, banyak sekali sebenarnya kendala yang kerap ditemui pengguna ketika HP android tak lagi baru. Proses kinerja yang terasa lambat, hang, bahkan lemahnya responsif pada layar sentuh.Nah bagi BGers yang kerap mengalami kendala tersebut, jangan gusar atau jual Hp BGers. Karena ada beberapa aplikasi bak ‘doktor’ yang cukup membantu masalah BGers tersebut. Gampang kok, tinggal download di android market. Langkah-langkahnya pun cukup mudah dan tak beresiko. Nah, penasaran kan aplikasi apa saja? Cekidot…
1. Diagnostic
For HP users BGers Samsung android, this special application is provided to detect problems (troubleshooting) on the HP BGers. BGers not bother going to the service center to handle it. But if still confused with the performance of this application, BGers langsug can ask the team of technicians via telephone services are available.
Developer: Samsung SERI Lab
Android: 2.2 and up
Size: 2,7 Mb
Price: Free
2. Diagnostic Doctor
Android: 2.2 and up
Size: 2,7 Mb
Price: Free
2. Diagnostic Doctor
When busy and do not whack Bgers 'kepikiran' to pay attention to HP BGers health, such as, network services, optimization of the battery, and the condition of the software, the applications developed by Zubha labs will help BGers in problems. namely by providing a concrete reportage about what and how the new HP BGers conditions. BGers can send reports via email, effective, right
Developer: Zubha Labs
Android: 1.6 and up
Size: 144 Kb
Price: Free
3. GPS Doctor
Android: 1.6 and up
Size: 144 Kb
Price: Free
3. GPS Doctor
The use of GPS on HP Smart seems to have become something that must be present. In practice, often times we receive GPS signals are less accurate, thus maximizing HP GPS devices by downloading the application made by BGers this epEK.ware. but unfortunately, I can not get in for free. But for an important requirement, the application is quite recommended. How to activate it was quite easy, simply touch the Quick Fix menu to get a more accurate GPS optimization. Surely this application is compatible to all HP android.
Developer: epEK.ware
Android: 1.5 and up
Size: 161 Kb
Price: $ 1.99
4. Droid Dream Cleaner
Android: 1.5 and up
Size: 161 Kb
Price: $ 1.99
4. Droid Dream Cleaner
Mengunduh via market atau via apk, terkadang menyisakan malware atau software berbasis virus yang cukup merepotkan ketika beraksi. Dengan aplikasi ini, aplikasi unduhan akan terdiagnosa dengan baik atau aplikasi yang berjalan kurang sempurna akan di re-pair kembali sesuai fungsinya. Aplikasi ini secara otomatis akan menghilangkan beragam palware yang ‘mampir; di HP BGers secara berkala. Dengan mengunduh versi lengkapnya, maka serangan virus pada HP BGers pun akan terminimalisir.
Developer: Lookout Labs
Android: 1.5 and Up
Size: 39 Kb
Price: Free
5. PingMeter
Hp power network often becomes a vital system of the mobile device itself. Therefore the signal strength and connection of absorbed HP should really optimal. Especially when it is in the process BGers download via OTA. Well, stabilization can be helped by the application to develop this Pivato Enrico, however, the effect would be faster the battery runs out. Simplenya example, find a WiFi signal in a room that is large enough, then it will be able to compare BGers PingMeter when using and not using it.
Developer: Enrico Pivato
Android: 2.1 and Up
Size: 245 Kb
Price: Free
6. SD booster
Panampungan external memory capacity is quite big on Hp smart to 32 GB of data often makes the reading somewhat less constrained by time. But concerns are likely to teobati Bgers by the presence of SD booster that can accelerate the process of interaction of the external data memory with HP.
Developer: Daniel Mehrmann (Akusari)
Android: 2.1 and Up
Size: 218 Kb
Price: Free
7. Device Booster
Matters relating to the performance of HP, the medicine is on the application is made by Steve Imar. minimize the slow processor performance will certainly help the stability requirement will BGers HP android. May be said, 'slow' it will direct HP BGers resolved as soon as possible. And it only takes 10-15 seconds to get results.
Developer: Steve Imar
Android: 2.0 and Up
Size: 727 Kb
Price: Free
8. Battery Booster
Another obstacle is often found on the HP android BGers battery performance must be quickly depleted. Imoblife therefore designed this application to support an optimal battery performance. This application will intelligently manage the HP software structuring. On the map, the battery will distribute information related to the battery temperature, capacity, voltage, etc.. All of which can BGers look and setting the display widget.
Developer: IMOBLIFE Co. Ltd
Android: 1.6 and Up
Size: 1,6 Mb
Price: $ 0,99
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