25 Application of Mandatory Android

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    25 Application of Mandatory Android


    Android-based smartphone operating system gradually began to undermine the mobile market in Indonesia, not only reputable vendor who poured green robot typical smart phone, the local vendors were competing to bring the various features his trademark. Well for those of you who have just had this smartphone would like to share tips Online PULSE any application that must be possessed by the owner of the Android smartphone.

    1. Documents To Go
    Application is of course a must-have to support your work. Using this application, you can open the file Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. Even with the paid version you can edit the desired file. Documents To Go supports the format doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and PDF.

    Documents To Go

    Developer: DataViz, Inc.
    Download: http://www.dataviz.com/products/documentstogo/android/
    File Size   : Bervariasi tergantung pada perangkat
    Harga     : $14.99 (Full Version Key)


    2. SPB Shell 3D
    SPB Shell 3D is an application launcher that will modify the user interface on your phone. By using this application, you will experience a more attractive phone andaan thanks to 3D caraousel animatif effect on the displayed menu.

    Spb 3D

    Developer: SPB Software
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.spb.shell3d
    File Size     : 9 MB
    Harga     : $14.99

    SPB Ss1

    3. Adobe Flash Player 11
    It's not all Android-based devices support this application, but if you have a device that supports these applications should install it. Adobe Flash Player to experience the virtual world to explore more fully by allowing interactive content-based access to your favorite flash.

    Adobe Flash Player

    Developer: Adobe Systems
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.adobe.flashplayer
    File Size     : Bervariasi tergantung pada perangkat
    Harga     : Gratis


    4. Best Apps Market
    Bored with the Android Market, you can install the Best Apps Market as an alternative to separately explore the applications to be added to the Android device they own. Best Apps Market or the abbreviated BAM focuses on applications and best game. Not only as an alternative application market, BAM also features a variety of tools to allow you to adjust applications owned.

    Best Apps Icon 512 Rounded

    Developer: BestAppsMarket.com
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bestappsmarket.android.bestapps
    File Size     : 911 KB
    Harga     : Gratis


    5. WhatsApp Messenger
    WhatsApp Messenger is a messenger applications available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia. WhatsApp using the 3G or WiFi to send a message. Not only used for chatting WhatsApp also allows you to send images, audio notes, and video messages. Many of you who crowned WhatsApp as "fuel Killer"

    Whatsapp Messengerlarge

    Developer: WhatsApp Inc.
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.whatsapp
    File Size     : 5 MB
    Harga     : Gratis


    6. Opera Mini web browser
    Who does not know Opera Mini? Browsers that this one deserves to be intent on adding your choice of alternative browsers in addition to the default Android browser is already equipped with many features generally. Compression technology that have helped you save money for a data service plan berbasisi andaan volume.

    Opera Web

    Developer: Opera Software ASA
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.opera.mini.android
    File Size     : 845 KB
    Harga     : Gratis


    7. Facebook for Android
    you would have been very understanding of the functions of this application is even easier for you to exist in the media the most popular social network in the world. Moreover, Indonesia is the second largest you up in the world with 43.06 million accounts (Socialbakers, Feb 2012).

    Facebook 300x300

    Developer: Facebook
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.facebook.katana
    File Size     : Bervariasi tergantung pada perangkat
    Harga     : Gratis


    8. TweetCaster for Twitter
    In addition to Facebook, social networking media that is not less popular is Twitter. For this one, for third-party applications more often be selected because it brings more features than Twitter itself artificial. TweetCaster allows you to make the game as well as a Facebook status update, add effects to photos you want uploaded and a few other interesting features.


    Developer: OneLouder Apps
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.handmark.tweetcaster
    File Size     : 2.9 MB
    Harga     : Gratis


    9. Battery Saver
    Not only is Android, many smartphone will usually have a problem battery endurance. For the battery-saving applications such as artificial Antutu Battery Saver feasible to add to your Android device.


    Developer: Antutu
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.antutu.powersaver
    File Size     : 741 kB
    Harga     : Gratis


    10. Poweramp Music Player
    This application can be selected as an alternative application audio player in your Android device. Poweramp Music Player supports many audio formats such as mp3, mp4/m4a, ALAC, ogg, wma, flac, wav, ape, wv, TTA, and aiff mpc. In addition this application also has banayk additional features that will keep your music playing experience more enjoyable.

    Poweramp Logo

    Developer: Max MP (MSR Ltd.)
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.maxmpz.audioplayer.unlock
    File Size     : 22kB
    Harga     : $5.19 (full version)


    11. MyBackup Pro
    In order not to lose important data and applications you should do the backup on your Android device. MyBackup Pro supports virtually all Android devices and can backup your most important data such as text, photos, contacts, call log, browser bookmarks, SMS, MMS, calendar, system settings (system settings), homescreens (including the position of the shortcut), alarms, music playlists, and much more.

    MyBackup Pro

    Developer: Rerware, LLC
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rerware.android.MyBackupPro
    File Size     : 1.6MB
    Harga     : $4.99

    12. Anti-Virus Pro
    Android growing number of course you invite to the hands of ignorant abuse, for example by creating a virus free. To protect your Android device and data security you should install an antivirus application. Anti Virus Pro can be an option because made ​​by an experienced developer to make other antivirus on the PC platform.
    Anti Virus Pro
    Developer: AVG Mobilation
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=org.antivirus
    File Size     : 2.1MB
    Harga     : $1.99

    13. Skype - free video calling
    This application lets you make video calls between Skype and call a phone number or cell phone with a decidedly cheaper rates. In addition to video call, you can also make regular phone calls or just your Skype text chat with others even if they use Android, iPhone, Mac or PC.
    Skype Logo

    Developer: Skype
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.skype.raider
    File Size     : 12MB
    Harga     : Gratis

    14. App 2 SD (move app to SD)
    If your Android device is not equipped with a spacious internal memory, install this application would be very helpful. As the name implies, this application serves to move the storage location of the application of internal memory for additional memory (external).

    App 2 Sd Pro 300x300 2

    Developer: Sam Lu
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.a0soft.gphone.app2sd
    File Size     : 634kB
    Harga     : Gratis


    15. VLC Direct Pro
    This application allows you to play videos stored on a computer on Android devices and vice versa without having to transfer files between two devices. By installing this application, you can also control the video player VLC on a PC using Android device to run the function to find files, video rotate, add videos into a playlist, pause, stop, volume control, running the software in fullscreen mode and more.

    Developer: QDevPlus
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.vlcdirect.vlcdirectpro
    File Size     : 881kB
    Harga     : $3.57


    16. MX Video Player Pro
    Although equipped with a video player default, but add a video player application on the Android device is highly recommended in order to play more video formats. This application also includes other features such as multi-core decoding, CPU optimization, pinch zoom, and the subtitle.
    MX Video Player

    Developer: MX Technologies
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.mxtech.videoplayer.pro
    File Size     : 4.6MB
    Harga     : $5.36


    17. Camera ZOOM FX
    Android devices are usually equipped with a premium-class feature-rich cameras. But for those of you that Android devices are not filled with the desired features, the camera can add third-party applications such as Camera Zoom FX. This application features include 10 preset options (Diana, Retro, 35mm Holga, Toy Camera ...), 20 Color FX (vintage, lomo, cinematic, funky, pencil ...), 13 Frame (thin, rounded, lens, polaroid, filmreel .. .), surrounds Vignette 6 (heavy, invert, spotlight ...), 12 Distort FX (fisheye (like fxcamera), mosaic, twirl ...), 9 Mirror FX, 3 Tilt-shift FX and many other features.
    Cam Zoom Fx 1

    Developer: androidslide
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=slide.cameraZoom
    File Size     : 1.1MB
    Harga     : $2.83

    18. SoundHound
    SaoundHound application will allow you to find information about the song being played diradio. Your Android device close enough to the source audio for 4 seconds then the screen will display the title track and penyayi. Application even recognize the song that just hum.

    Soundhound 1

    Developer: SoundHound Inc.
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.melodis.midomiMusicIdentifier
    File Size     : Bervariasi tergantung pada perangkat
    Harga     : $4.99


    19. Yahoo! Messenger
    Messenger client that this is indeed very popular, so it's mandatory you install this application on your Android device. This application also has security features diantanya free voice and video chat, integration with Facebook chat feature, International SMS, and photo and video over IM.
    Yahoo Messenger

    Developer: Yahoo! Inc.
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.im
    File Size     : 2.5MB
    Harga     : Gratis

    20. Layar
    Sounds like the Indonesian language, but unfortunately this application is not made in the nation. Augmented Reality technology (AR), digital information display screen is called the "Layers" to display your Android device. Simply by pointing the camera to a specific object, information about the object can be obtained thanks to the appearance of "layer" that appears.
    Layar 1

    Developer: Layar
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.layar
    File Size     : 3.6MB
    Harga     : Gratis


    21. Google Goggles
    This application allows you and other Android users to search the internet using pictures taken with the camera. Very useful for finding out about products, famous landmarks, storefronts, artwork, and other popular images that can be found online secra. Google Goggles can also perform translations between English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian text with just a photograph in one foreign language.

    Google Goggles 1
    Developer: Google Inc.
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.android.apps.unveil
    File Size     : 2.2MB
    Harga     : Gratis

    22. YouTube
    Explore, upload (upload) and watch the video on youtube is easier to install this application on your Android device. In the latest version, this application is presented by the UI and the new video player controls. now you can also read the comments while watching the video without having to pause.
    Youtube Logo

    Developer: Google Inc.
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.android.youtube
    File Size     : 2.1MB
    Harga     : Gratis

    23. ASTRO File Manager
    Not all Android devices equipped with a feature or application file manager by default. need to organize your pictures or photos, music, videos and other files. Astro File Manager has been downloaded more than 20 million times by Android users around the world.
    Astro 1

    Developer: Metago
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.metago.astro
    File Size     : Bervariasi tergantung pada perangkat
    Harga     : Gratis


    24. Vlingo Virtual Assistant
    Vlingo is a virtual assistant application on the iPhone 4S like Siri. With Vlingo, you can send SMS and email, call, do a search on the internet, find restaurants and shops, looking for direction on the map, update Facebook status, check in Foursquare, and many other things only through voice commands.
    Vlingo Logo

    Developer: Vlingo
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.vlingo.client
    File Size     : 4.2MB
    Harga     : Gratis

    25. Quadrant Standard Edition
    Benchmark applications can be used to measure the ability of the BGers to then compared with other devices. Quadrant is a benchmark application that focuses on the CPU, I / O and 3D graphics. In the Standard version users need internet connection to calculate the test results.

    The application does not work on devices with no GPU (Spica, Tattoo). Nexus S is not yet supported.

    Quadrant 1

    Developer: Aurora Softworks
    Download: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.aurorasoftworks.quadrant.ui.standard
    File Size     : 916kB
    Harga     : Gratis


    sumber : http://www.tabloidpulsa.co.id/tips-and-apps/3274-25-aplikasi-wajib-android?q=%2Ftips-and-apps%2F3274-25-aplikasi-wajib-android&showall=1

    Information 25 Application of Mandatory Android has been completed we present

    A few of our information about the 25 Application of Mandatory Android, we hope you benefit from this article

    You have just read the article 25 Application of Mandatory Android and many articles about gadget in our blog this, please read it. and url link of this article is https://howtomonetizeeverything.blogspot.com/2012/05/25-application-of-mandatory-android.html Hopefully discussion articles on provide more knowledge about the world of tech gadgets.

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