Nokia 6210 Navigator phone heat , 2700c ,5130 hang white screen

Nokia 6210 Navigator phone heat , 2700c ,5130 hang white screen - welcome to our blog that presents the full content How Gadget, the discussion this time we're discussing that you find that Nokia 6210 Navigator phone heat , 2700c ,5130 hang white screen, we have provided complete information with images that are easy to understand, the explanation is simple but complete, therefore please read until the end :)

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    Nokia 6210 Navigator phone heat , 2700c ,5130 hang white screen

    There are really and practically  tested solution for mobile phone damages not only that but also no side effect to your mobile phone after the doing this solution. If these solution are useful for you dont forget to comment here.

    1. Nokia 6210 navigator Phone heat
    • Firstly you want to check your phone with power supply. Connect phone to power supply and switch on. At this time phone is not heating you can change your battery. Because of damage your battery( memory effect) your phone may be heat. But when you connect phone to power supply and it heat again.

    • Now you can format or reset settings. you can use this codes for formating your phone. Default password is 12345


    If your faults in same condition
    • Disassemble your phone very safely and clean PCB and other components properly.( specially you must use only proper tools for disassembeling and cleaning ,otherwise your phone will be dead). Please watch following video for understanding how you can disassemble your Nokia 6210 Navigator phone safly.

    • If your faults in same condition. Then you can check PCB Components( short circuit or open circuit) using analog or digital multimeter. If you can find short circuit then you can replace that components.But dont try to remove any IC yet. Faults in same condition.

    • Please remove the this IC ( Radio Fm discrete IC) . your problem will be solved 100%.

    Special: If an only if your nokia 6210 heat when connect charger or handset then you want check system connector (chargrt pin) and charging line on your phone board Before removing IC..

    For more Details about Nokia 6210 Navigator download Schematic diagram and service manual

    2.Vodafone 225 keypad stuck , keypad not work , phone stuck

    • Firstly you can check your vodafone keypad embrane (Domestic). Because when damage or oxidation your phone keypad domestic above faults can be occurred. There fore clean domestic and check your phone. If you can see same faults again

    • You can remove  Charging pin and replace a new one.

    • If you can see again that faults after the removing charging pin then you can flash your vodafone.  Finally if you can see again unfortunately that faults can be come with CPU.  Try to CPU other wise you will be able to replace a new CPU.

    3. Nokia 2700 c , 5130c 2730 Nokia logo then white screen or when  power on white screen hang done.

    • Change the battery or try to switch on using power supply. if problem is not solved
    • flash your phone correctly. (If  your phone has a short, remove that short). After the flashing (some times when you try to flash you will be unable to do it because of errors. then try to do next step) check again. If fault is same as previous

    • Then Remove Camera and try to switch on. Majority at that time your problem will be solved. But if the problem is same

    • Heat very carefully Rap IC.Because Majority this fault is occured because of damage Rap IC.

    If you unable to solve your problem yet finally you have to remove Rap IC and Replace a new one. Remember that Rap IC is a Micro BGA therefore you want get a good experience for removing and replacing a like that IC.

    Specially when you disassembeling your phone must use proper tools for doing it.Never try to remove main ICs without not a good understanding about that ICs and faults. This solutions will  help to solving above faults correctly.

      Every time try to learn and understand every sides about mobile phone faults and finally you will be a clever technician. This is our warm wish for it GOOD LUCK.

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