This is about : Easy Methods For Mobiile Phone Repairing
And this article : Easy Methods For Mobiile Phone Repairing
Easy Methods For Mobiile Phone Repairing
Mobile Phone Repairing Easy Method Without Disassemble Your phone.
There are common faults in mobile phone which can solve with formating it. But when you are going to format your phone, you must know some necessary points about your damage phone.Therefore this page will help you to understand about that all necessary points in mobile phone. Specially as this way you don't want to disassemble your phone. Firstly you must Format your phone for All folowing faults.
- If Phone is Suddenly stuck or slow
- Battery empty
- Call drop
- Some Applications not works
- Not Charging
- Signal drop
- Call Divert
- When make a call phone will shutdown
- Auto Charging
- Car mode ( Handfree mark in display )
- Auto Restart or Off
- Some commands are not worked or worked as a crazy
[ If you can format or Reset your phone before disassembeling it will be useful for your repairing ]
How You can format your phone?
Before you format your phone you must think about your phone memory Because it can be Deleted.
If Your Phone have a touch pad , check it is worked as a new one. Because you have to calibrate it after restart (when your format your phone will restart) your phone. However Touch pad is not worked properly dont try to format your phone.
Sony Ericsson
Master Reset
Reset Settings (PW)
Reset All (PW)
Default password is 0000
Reset settings mean only change settings will not delete memory in your phone.
Reset All mean change settings and will delete every thinges in your phone memory.
Reset Settings
Default Password for LG phones are 0000 , 1234, 1111.
Reset Settings
Samsung Hard Reset code : Type this code on the display *2767*3855#
Reset Settings'
All Settings
China Phones
Restore Factory Settings
Original Nokia Phones
Restore Factory Settings
- Default Password for Nokia Phones 12345
- Special Code for nokia 6600 , N95 ( firstly off your phone and then press * button , number 3 button, Call Answer button and On/Off switch together. then you can see on your phone and as Formating on your mobile phone display)
- Type following codes on your main display and then give the default password for formating your phone,
*#7370# Then give the default password for full Reset your Phone settings
Other Special Codes for Mobile phone
*#06# For Checking All GSM Phone IMEI
##21# For Cancel All Divert( for any brand mobile phones)
*#92702689# For Checking Life time in Nokia Phones
*#0000# For Checking About phone model and software version in Nokia Phones
*>*<<*<* For Checking options and software information life time in SonyEricsson Phones.
When you goint to repairing mobile phone firstly you can format it. Then try to disassemble and repiring with hardware parts. Try to Be a clever Tchnician and Good Luck to you.
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